Morrissa Nicole’s "Ready to Receive"
“Let creation cry for His love
For the Lord has been good to us
So we raise our hands high above
Ready to receive You, ready to receive
Ready to receive You, ready to receive”
One night, during a prayer service, I passionately shared my prayer request with the attendees. For months, I had been struggling to find direction in my life. I asked for prayer—prayer for insight and open doors over the next season of my life. It was a cry for help. I was desperate for an answer or at least to be pointed in the right direction.
After voicing my request, a church member spoke words of encouragement, and under the unction of the Lord, she asked, “Are you ready?” At first, I was confused. I answered her and began to list all the ways I had naturally prepared for this season, thinking that would be the right response. But she simply asked again—this time with more urgency—and immediately, I knew this question was coming straight from heaven to my heart: Morrissa, are you ready for what God is about to do in your life?
“Yes, Lord, I am ‘Ready.’”
You may be facing that same question right now. You might be standing at a fork in the road, unsure of your next step, just as I was. The beauty of walking with God is the assurance that, though we may not always know where we’re headed, we can always know He is right beside us. As long as we walk hand-in-hand with Jesus, we can live in a place of confidence and expectancy.
Today, I want to stir up anticipation within you. Through faith, let’s cultivate fertile ground in our hearts. Just like I did, make the commitment to embrace your own readiness for healing, miracles, answers to long-awaited questions, and whatever else the Lord has in store for you. Know that our God is a generous God, and He is always willing to give—so long as we are Ready to Receive.
Will you turn your cup towards heaven today? Let God pour into you whatever He wills. You don’t need to feel lost or directionless. Like me, seek the face of the Lord, and in finding Him, He will reveal His heart for you.
Today, choose to become spiritually ready. Align yourself with God’s purpose for your life. This is a call to action—a call for all of us to prepare our hearts to receive from the Lord.
Morrissa Nicole