What Lies on the Other Side of Your Fear Mountain?

What if on the other side of the thing you are most afraid of is precisely where you’re meant to be?

It’s so easy to shrink back in the face of fear. To convince ourselves to stay put while imagining the worst in a new scenario. But I’ve come to believe that much of our growth, happiness, satisfaction, and even living out our purpose is on the other side of those fears. Yet, often they loom like impassable mountains blocking the view and holding us back.

I believe it’s a tactic of Satan to utter lies, to discourage us, and to make us feel defeated and incapable so we don’t live out our purpose in Christ for God’s glory. One of those tactics is fear. When I’m fearful, I live with caution, afraid to move. Remembering how God sees me, that he is for me and with me, helps. It also helps to look at things from God’s perspective instead of getting bogged down in my finite view.

God tells us not to be afraid three hundred and sixty-five times in his word. That’s one a day! In other words, he encourages us to be brave every day.

One of my favorite verses about not being afraid is Joshua 1:9, which holds both a command and a promise: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Another favorite is, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18). This perfect love of God is transformative, it drives out fear and fills us with hope and courage.

I’ve grappled with various fears over my lifetime. Fear of what people think, fear of failure, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, the list goes on, but the closer I cling to God, the further away those fears grow and the less they overcome me. The more I trust him—and refuse to believe lies—the easier it is to strike out and do the daunting things.

I’ve been participating in a self-inflicted fear experiment for a few years. Whenever I feel I’d rather shrink back, I step forward. For instance, stepping forward for me this month has meant attending a writer’s conference by myself in another country, giving a face-to-face book pitch to an agent, and a triple-whammy of sorts: eating alone in a restaurant only to say hello to a stranger and invite them to sit down.

Another fear hack is that whenever I enter a new or uncomfortable situation where I feel stretched, I remind myself, “It’s not about me.” This mini mantra helps take the focus off of me and my insecurities and helps me focus on serving others. It’s a simple shift in perspective that changes everything. Serving others not only helps me overcome my fears, it connects me to a greater purpose.

How has my experiment been going? From stepping forward instead of shrinking back and telling myself it’s not about me, I have had the time of my life! I’ve met many new and amazing people, had adventures I would never have imagined, learned untold new things, grown in confidence, and, best of all, being brave has become my new normal. Choosing to be courageous has become a life-giving adventure. It has brought me greater purpose and joy and caused the fear mountains to shrink. Who would have guessed all that growth waited for me on the side of fear?

What is your fear mountain? What would it take to move forward instead of shrinking back? Remind yourself, “It’s not about me,” and take the first step! Happy mountain climbing!


When Fear Interferes


I Will Fear No Evil