When Fear Interferes
Can you think of a time in your life when you let fear interfere with the promises of the Lord?
You’re not the only one.
Let me set up the scene. The Israelites are in the wilderness after having been liberated from their slavery in Egypt under the Pharoah’s rule. They have witnessed miracle after miracle, from the plagues to the parting of the sea. Now here they are, just a few days away from Canaan, the Promised Land that Moses has been telling them about since they left Egypt. In preparation for their travel to the Promised Land, the Lord asks Moses to send out 12 men, one from each of the Israelite tribes, to check out the land beforehand.
Keep in mind that the Lord already knows what the land looks like because he created it. This journey is not for his benefit.
Moses chooses the men and then asks them to investigate specific things. Do the people living there seem strong? What are the towns like? How is the soil? He even asks them to bring back some fruit.
So the 12 men go and when they return, they confirm the promises of God about the land and bring back some of the fruit that they’ve discovered on their journey. They report that they “went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit.” Numbers 13:27
Let’s pause here for a moment. God has been promising these Israelites a land of milk and honey from the time that he saved them from their slavery among the Egyptians… and here they are confirming that what God has said, they have found to be true. God’s promises are true and they have seen it firsthand. Great. Right?
Here is the kicker, and I know you were expecting it. They go on to say this, “But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendents of Anak there. The Amalekites live in the Negev; the Hittites, Jebusites and Amorites live in the hill country; and the Canaanites live near the sea along the Jordan.” Numbers 13:28-29
Okay, so what I am seeing here is that the returning Israelites begin by confirming the promises of the Lord and verifying that what he has said is true. From there, however, they promptly talk themselves out of his promises for them, based largely on their own fear and lack of faith.
Sometimes when I read the Old Testament, I get really frustrated with the Israelites. Am I the only one? I sit here and I think, “oh come on guys, this is so easy!” God sent you Moses! He gave you the Ten Commandments. He traveled with you through the wilderness as a cloud and as a pillar of fire. He’s got this. He’s got you! Why won’t you just believe?
But then I’m reminded of his faithfulness in my own life, and the ways that I continue to doubt that he’ll show up for me again, even though he always has. Maybe you can relate?
Spoiler Alert: The Israelites eventually make it to the Promised Land, and it’s better than they could have imagined. There were obstacles along the way, but with the Lord, they overcame each one. No weapon formed against them prospered. No weapon formed against you will prosper either.
As the Israelites learned over time, we can trust the promises of God, even in the midst of fear and uncertainty. What he has said will come to pass.
Today, let’s break the cycle of fear and walk into the promises of God, one step at a time.